14 February, 2011

So, as of a week ago, I've not had a phone. It should be coming today, supposedly, before 3:00 PM. The wacky thing is is that before when I had a phone and was therefore more reachable, I could go a few days without hearing from my recruiter. Now that I'm only reachable via email, I've actually missed out on several jobs. On Thursday I was bombarded with emails for work before 9:30 AM. Unfortunately I didn't see any of them until after 10:00 AM. I can't wait for my phone to get here. I'm going bonkers without it.

05 February, 2011

So tonight, Rob is sleeping early. I think he's sleeping off all the beers he drank and all the zombies he slaughtered earlier. So it's just me and the streaming Netflix. I've been watching the first season of the Cosby show. One of my first memories is the Cosbys. I wanted to run away to New York and live with them. Hey! I grew up in the 80's. The funny thing is that watching the show as an adult in the 2000's, I can still relate. What is funny to me is the banter and dynamic between Clair and Cliff. It reminds me of me and Rob. And that is awesome!